Have you ever listened to the song “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake? Gratitude is one of my favorite songs.
We’ve learned throughout history that music has a way of speaking to us. The lyrics talk about truth over us. The melody sings songs of joy and sorrow; you name it. Many of us find peace in music. We see music as an escape.
The song Gratitude has arms wrapped around my heart - I love each line of that song. The song explains how grateful we can be for God and the big things He’s doing in our lives.
My favorite line in the song is - “Come on my soul, don’t you get shy on me. Lift your song because you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs.”
I'll say that again, you've got a lion inside those lungs. - If you know me, you know my love for cats. I talk about them 24/7.
Whenever someone asks me what my spirit animal is, I say a lion. This could be because they are gigantic cats but more so because lions are fascinating creatures.
Lions are strong. They're brave beyond belief. They are natural-born leaders. They have a roar that is bigger than life. They're elegant animals with a wild and courageous view of life.
Did you know a lion's roar can be heard from almost 5 miles away? - Did you also know that you can be heard as loud as a lion? Maybe not in a literal sense, but we too can embody those traits a courageous lion acquires.
Recently, I was singing Gratitude around a campfire. I found myself so grateful for where God placed me. So thankful for His hand over me. At that moment, I knew He was breathing a breath of life in my lungs. When we started to sing the line that says, "You've got a lion inside of those lungs," I felt my whole body tingle. It felt a sense of freedom. I suddenly realized that the lion inside me was now finding its voice. That lion has always been there. Waiting for the right time to roar louder and louder.
We all have that lion inside us - longing to be heard, waiting to break through with praise. You, too are strong. Brave beyond belief. You are naturally born a leader. You have a roar that's bigger than life. If you haven't released your roar, I challenge you to find the courage and lift your song. You have a voice. So use it. Fill the silence with your roar.
If you have yet to listen to Gratitude, here's your chance! - Listen to this song with an open mind, and let your voice slowly get louder and louder. Slowly your lion will find its roar.