Community. It’s worth it.
“Surround yourself with the dreamers, the doers, the believers and the thinkers. But most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it within yourself.”
Simone Biles
Simone herself said it best. Surround yourself. But with who? This a question we get taught when we're going into Pre-K. We are told to play with the kids who are kind and will share with you. When we get to elementary school, our parents tell us to surround ourselves with peers who treat us the way we want to be treated, and we do the same. But, once we get older, the phrase "surround yourself with the right people" often gets confusing.
We've all been there. The relationships in our lives that don't go as planned, the friendships that we thought would last forever…. don't. But when we get older, what do we look for in others? In all reality, life is messy. And it's not easy to share that messiness with others in our lives
When I was younger, my dad used to start conversations with ANYONE around him. The Costco clerk, the waiter at our table… I remember how embarrassed I was when he started talking to random strangers. My dad was the kindest person I knew. He gave the biggest bear hugs, treated others with forgiveness, and chose joy around people. As I get older, I find it sometimes impossible to reciprocate that. Following my dad's example has sometimes been challenging. My dad replicated God's forgiveness. He forgave, and he forgot. It's hard to heal from others hurting you, and it's hard not to be bitter about it, but somehow he did it so effortlessly. He loved God so much he made it a point to help others do the same.
As a young adult I am now responsible for surrounding myself with the correct people. Treat others with kindness, try my hardest to let go, and fight hard for the ones in my life while looking for those who do the same to me. Friendships, relationships, and mentorship are always challenging. They take sacrifices, time, and effort. But more importantly, they take forgiveness and grace. I want to be challenged by the ones I love, and I want them to help me become a better person.
I surround myself with people who believe in my fullest potential. For a while, it was impossible. To let the ones in my life love me and support me. It still is. But as time passed, I reminded myself how beautiful the journey would be if others were with me. And even more importantly, I reciprocate what my dad taught me in every relationship. He showed me how to treat others and never to hold grudges.
So now, I appreciate the ones who love me despite my stubbornness SO much more. The ones who are there to pray over me. The one who will sit next to me while I feel every emotion, the one who is there for the happy moments and those that shape you. I challenge myself and you to surround ourselves with the ones who love you but love Jesus even more. Those are the dreamers, the doers, and the believers. Those people are the ones who will fulfill you the most. The leaders and friends who will pray over you and help you find your way through similar situations they've been through are the ones who truly mean the most. - It will be challenging to find your people. But you have yet to meet all the people who will love you. Life isn't like Friends and New Girl. You have something much bigger than that; you have God. The God who challenges you and will place those people in your life. In his timing and his plan. Loving God changes the way we love others. So, Surround yourself with God first; the rest is in His hands. He holds your tomorrow.
So if you’re looking for your people, say hi to the girl sitting at lunch alone, ask how your waiter is doing at dinner, and reach out. Let others pray over you, and love you. You deserve to be loved and to love. It’s time you finally realize it.